Sunday, May 5, 2013

Shoot the shot

I've made so many preparations for the great festival that will take place on this momentous day. What day would that be, you ask?

Well, it's Sunday, the day that all good Christians got to church. You should go to the Church of ProZ, and make sure you're not praying wrong you dumb homo tool.
Alright that stuff actually happens all the time(IT KEEPS HAPPENING), that's not really what's so special about this day. Let's try this again:

What day would that be, you ask?
this picture is cool and reminds me of a friend but is totally unrelated.

 Why, it's Cinco de Mayo! A historic celebration of a battle in the Mexican American War (well, some war involving Mexicans and Americans).....that I can't be bothered to remember properly. Or actually make any preparations to celebrate it either. Yeah.
Don't worry, I'm sad about it too because my dad asked me what it was last week and I couldn't answer him. Man, I'm such a disappointment to the family name. 
Good thing I'm not Mexican racist, or I'd really be in trouble. Because then I'd be living in Mexico a non-racially specific country and would have no idea why people were partying today. And that would be a shame.
this is also unrelated. not that anything here is ever related. that would be gross.
In other news, mormonholic is no longer a mormonholic. I previously thought this to be impossibru, but it seems that the worst has occurred: He lost his mormonhood in a bet. That he backed out of. May his blog rest in pieces.

Originally I wanted to make shorter posts so I wouldn't feel daunted by the prospect of making another one, but it turns out the only limit was myself! If I just removed the imaginary rule that I couldn't change subjects mid-post, anything is possible! Anything at all! WELCOME TO Z- err my blog.

So I made up some easy to remember, easy to type nicknames for League of Legends Champions:

Twisted Fate = hatman
Heimerdinger = brainman
Malphite = rockman
Gragas = fatman
Thresh = chainman
Twitch = ratman
Hecarim = horseman
Ziggs = bombman
Zilean = bombman 2 /clockman

It must take a genius to do that many, right? I'll probably think up some more later.

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