Thursday, November 14, 2013

somebody get a fire distinguisher

Ah, what a fine day for studying in the library. But wait, is that....crunching I hear? That guy over he EATING? In a library? Does he know the rules around here? Someone should really give him a stern talking-to.  He's even sitting at an angle so everyone can see he's not actually studying! He's playing some gol-darned video game, and all those clicks are even louder than the crunching! How can I concentrate with all the discomforting noise he's making? *sigh* kids these days...

This is what I imagine must be going through the mind of the older gentleman sitting not 2 desks to the right from me. I guess I'm really rattling his cage... aw nah, I did it again. Here comes nickzilla
you don't say
There appears to be a new Legend of Leagues champion hinted at being released soon, so I had an intelligent FACT-based discussion about it with my friend.

me: I think this guy might just be more generic than garen

friend: nah
He's asian so that makes him exotic and mysterious
And having a very dull swor

me: hey garen is asian too why do you think he builds youmuu's ghostblade

friend: no thats just the asianwannabe spirit of white bros

me: do you see his new squinty eyes in the splash art

friend: He tries really hard

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


A few days I got my dad to try out that Southwest Mcwrap thing, as he was the last of the family to have not tasted it yet. Here are a few select quotes from him:

"Eh, it's just a little spicy"

"This is nothing"

"American food is so mild"

"Why are you sweating? I don't feel anything"

QQ I'm not a real man. Gotta build more spice resistance.

I did make it to Gold Tier a few days ago in LegendLeague so I'll be getting those great rewards in a few hours when the season ends. But then I lost the next 5 consecutive ranked matches, which kind of rattles my Cage because it could imply I don't really "belong" in gold. 

Wait, did I just say "rattles my Cage"? 

Crap. This is bad.  

Really bad.

It has been summoned. And It will demand sacrifice. You don't want to be there when that happens. And it will keep happening.

I'm warning you now, you better lock yo doors, batten down the hatches, Hide ya kids, Hide ya wives, hide ya husbands, cuz  LOOK OUT!
Man, this would have made a great halloween post but its 2 weeks late.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

No Trap November

"That was the best oral I've ever had" --high school spanish teacher

QQ, I couldn't get to posting until after October was over. But now I am finally free! ...To write my NaNoWriMo novel. At least this time it's voluntary.

If you think you're better off after seeing a guy in his underwear with Jesus' face shooped on, well that's great, I didn't know my blog had gay christian readers. I'll try to cater to your interests more in the future. I bet the rest of you would really enjoy that. Don't deny it. "Search your feelings boy, for you know it to be true" -- Backstroke of the West

Oh right I took these video stills a while ago and completely forgot about them, here you go:
Teal'c already knows what's up. He IS a Private Eye after all.
Noh! Don't do it guise! Don't doo eet! You know what's going to happen if you facecheck that brush! No-
RIP old garen