Friday, August 5, 2016

Hyaku Paasento Hafu Raifu

Welcome. Welcome to the majestic month of Augustus. It's a very important month to me. Why? I'll leave that up to your imagination.
Well bart? We're waiting
Anyways it has come to my attention that despite being listed as one of the topics of discussion on the About This Blog page (which grows increasingly more cringe inducing and loathsome to look at for me with every passing year), none of my blog posts have actually been about my adventures in video gaming. They've certainly implied such activities have transpired but we never really got into the meat and potatoes, so let's get farted.

Around three months ago (May 17th) I finally ascended to my rightful place in the PC Master Race by building my own computer, which I am blogging on at this very moment. That's right, I have entered the fantastical realm of 1337 PC GAMING LOLMGWTFBBQ!!!!!111ONe

Okay it wasn't that rad, not even in the ironic sense. The specifications are decidedly mid-range and wouldn't impress anyone who actually knows their way around computers. Like me *wink* *nudge* *subtly implies I am a knowledgeable gentleman, for you, m'lady* *chokes on leftover foam from all the rabid excitement*holy hell why do I do this to myself
But considering what I had, it's way better. What prompted me to upgrade was that half my STEEM catalogue was literally unplayable on my old craptop(which I still use when I'm on the go, it has served me well and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future). We're not even talking shitty frame rate here, that I could deal with, no, they wouldn't start up and gave an error dialog saying muh graphics not good enough. Especially Transistor, which was patently ridiculous as it's not even 3D.

Rough specs:
  • ThinkChip: AMD FX-8350. It's the Black edition, whatever that means.
  • Wam: G.Skill Ripjaws 16 GB DDR3. Two 8GB modules, asia is superior
  • Mainboard: Asus M5A97 
  • Dispray Adapter: Dell Nvidiot GTX 660. Yeah, Dell makes graphics cards too, who'da thunk?
  • Storage: Sandy z400s 256GB SSD + Oceangate 1TB HDD (We're still in that awkward transition phase where everyone has two kinds of drives)
  • Disc Drive: Yes, I'm a dinosaur
  • Box: Carbide 200R. I need to put my name on it or some kind of distinct marking because it looks generic as hell, I've seen so many other builds that use this or something similar.
  • Skreen: 27 inch(o baby) AOC 
The assembly itself was smooth and quiet. There were hardly any issues since I've been prepared to do this for literally almost a decade. I was a wee lad when I first acquired a small stash of Maximum PC magazine from 2002 and 2003. Ah, what colorful characters and vivid imagery they had. It's still being published today, but their website has sadly been subsumed by its parasitic twin, PC Gamer. Ripperoni in pepperoni. I found an archived version of one of the more famous issues if you wanna take a nostalgia trip:

You can laugh at me if you want, but 1080p at 60FPS is kind of a new experience for me. League of Cancer runs at like 200FPS on high, props to Rito james for optimizing their piece of crap so well.
Having the OS on the SSD reduced boot time to like 12 seconds, even with it being an offbrand and not Samesung overrated. Solid State is truly the path of the future.
My early experiments with overclocking ended in glitching and sadness. I just run on default hardware settings nowadays so I don't have to worry about weird crap happening.

With all that off my chest, I'd like to discuss my most recent adventure: A complete 100% Achievement completion of the second installment of 50% Radioactive Decay period, on the hardest difficulty.
here's the proof, although if you really needed it you don't deserve to know me

I suppose that if I really wanted to "present" this I should have recorded it, but I didn't see the point. There's probably hundreds of video play-throughs already, what makes mine so different from all the rest?

Well actually I do recall one specific deviation. I don't know how rare it is because they don't keep track of it, but on my first run I got neither the "Defiant" nor the "Submissive" achievement. Sure, they're mutually exclusive, but it's also a false dichotomy. You may think that since the copfag's blocking your way you have to do one thing or the other in order to progress, but that's actually untrue. I didn't put the can in the trash, yet I also didn't throw it at the Metrocop. In fact, I didn't even pick it up. I had made a new friend in the form of a metal barrel carried all the way from the previous area. I just put the barrel down in front of him (presumably they are male), jumped on top of the barrel and then jumped over his head. 

Since I already knew all the puzzle solutions from a previous, non-steam playthrough I could focus more on the shooter aspect this time around. My preferred strategy is a classic, ye olde shotgun corner camp, wherein the comrades get fed up and follow me around the corner only to receive a double shotgun blast to the face. I learned that one from Frozen Synapse, which isn't even an FPS. 

So from here I could go on to 100% Episode One and Two, or screw around in the original. Or maybe even something completely different, like an axe or a spear, if you know what I mean. Anything is zombocom, widescreen edition.