
Here are convenient shorthand names to use to refer to various champions of the League of Mans. I'd sort these in alphabetical order, but LoL does that too much already so I think its overrated. Also, I'm lazy. 

I know I don't have all 110-whatever here, so I'm open to suggestions for what the rest should be. Here are the General Guidelines(GG): 
  • The first part should be a mono-syllabic word (Maybe two, but it has to be very good) that adequately sums up the champion's character and/or in-game skill set. And when I say adequately I mean very poorly.
  • Must end with "man", even if they are not a man(ala Ezreal).
Aatrox = darkman
Pantheon = jumpman
Amumu = cryman
Taric = gayman/gemman
Shaco = clownman
Leona = sunman
Diana = moonman
Tryndamere = Rageman
Vi = punchman
Cho'gath = eatman
Fiddlesticks = stickman
Darius = chopman
Garen = spinman
Maokai = treeman
Vladimir = bloodman
Rengar = huntman/catman
Brand = burnman
Jarvan IV = flagman
Kha'Zix = bugman
Twisted Fate = hatman
Heimerdinger = brainman
Malphite = rockman
Gragas = fatman
Thresh = chainman
Twitch = ratman
Hecarim = horseman
Ziggs = bombman
Zilean = clockman/bombman 2

Talon = knifeman
Fizz = fishman
Xin Zhao = yellman
Lee Sin = monkman
Wukong = trickman/monkman 2/stickman 2
Volibear = bearman
Blitzcrank = grabman
Cassiopeia = snakeman
Ahri = foxman/tailman
Nasus = dogman
Lux = lightman
Singed = gasman
Trundle = trollman
Zac = gooman
Caitlyn = snipeman
Nami = merman
Kayle = flyman
Corki = planeman
Ryze = blueman
Teemo = scoutman
Gangplank = fruitman
Alistar = bullman/cowman
Janna = blowman
Yasuo = windman

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