Monday, July 29, 2019

Goat&CatScans: Retired Heroes Chapter 29

Guess who's back?
Back again, a lot sooner than expected! This seems more like a holiday themed omake than an actual chapter, but it's pretty long so we're counting it as such.
In case it wasn't obvious, St. Oliver's Descent corresponds to Valentine's Day, and Asteelia's Ascent corresponds to White Day. In America, we only celebrate Valentine's Day. Japan started the tradition of the chocolate exchange and White Day, which is when the men give return gifts. Apparently it's started to catch on in other Asian nations, including this comic's country of origin.

In other news, Nekyou's Mage has arrived in the land of the free, making this project now entirely based in the US of A! Everyone knows home grown products taste the best, especially when they were ripped off from someone else.

Chapter 29:
The Ancient Repository:

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Goat&CatScans: Resumptio

After doing some of my own research I found the next few chapters of the comic aren't actually behind a paywall, so that was a lie. Apologies for making you guys worry. There are still a couple issues in the way of acquisition though:

1. We have to use a proxy/VPN to access the raw site. The host doesn't seem to like visitors from the United States, probably because they hate freedom. The fools.
2. If you try to right click on the comic page it blocks you with a modal* popup instead of giving you the context menu for "Save Image As". This is per the usual for Chinese copyright protection.
original the content, donut steel!
3. The series itself may be on hiatus as it hasn't updated since January. Perhaps those chapters are behind a paywall. I haven't confirmed anything yet, will get back to you when I do.

Besides number 3, these are more minor inconveniences that I have the means to circumvent** so we'll probably be good up to Chapter 36. 

In the meantime I'd like to thank you, the reader, for actually reading my blog. You're all truly wonderful, have a good one.

*yeah, I didn't know those popup things were called 'modals' until now thanks to my new job.

**I'd teach you, but I'd have to charge.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Goat&CatScans: Megapause

Hey hey people, Cory in the House. No chapter sadly, just an announcement for transparency's sake. We've hit a bit of a roadblock, and for once it isn't due to being "busy".
a photograph of me expressing my frustration at the futility of capitalism
Around December of 2018 we discovered that Retired Heroes had moved to a different site, one where you have to pay per view. My first thought was "Dang, why didn't I think of that? I could be even richer* right now". The second was that we only managed to save high quality raws up until Chapter 24. Frankly I'm not sure how we managed to snag raws for four whole chapters after that, but it seems our luck has finally run out. Last time I checked the going rate is around $0.50 in US dollars per chapter.

Wait wait wait, I can already feel you taking your wallets out. We're not collecting taxes donations... yet. Apparently Nekyou has an 'acquisitions' team that can take care of things like this. We're currently waiting for them to ghost us.

*because as you know, unofficial scanlating already pays the big bucks. But where does all that money come from, you may ask? Who knows? It's one of life's great mysteries.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Goat&CatScans: Retired Heroes Chapter 28

It could be just the thing to spice up their relationship.
Get your flags and fireworks in order, because it's FREEDOM DAY!! Unless you aren't in the US, in which case, well, I guess you aren't free.

These past few days have been really busy for me, so I'm too pooped to say much more. Enjoy folks.

Chapter 28:
All our chapters: