Monday, September 15, 2014

time is wasting

"Are you the manager of this blog? Then you suck!" --everyone

It's close to 9 in the morning as I write this, and I am just dying to know why the door to the women's restroom is pinned open. The lights are flickering, a sure sign that it's a Matrix-style demonic possession trap. I'm running on battery despite the fact that there is a suitable power port not more than 5 feet away. 

So yeah, long time no see huh. You know that feeling you get sometimes, when you should really be doing some kinda work right now, but instead you feel like starting up another update post on that old blag you completely forgot about more than half a year ago? That's how I felt yesterday as I went through my afternoon ablutions, then decided to put off procrastination until now.

*8 minutes until imminent doom.*

What a pro, right. Just kidding, procrastinating on procrastinating is the exact opposite of being pro. Anyway, just wanted to let my non-existent audience know I'm still alive. Unfortunately I'm too lazy to post some funny picture to make this post worth your time. 

Uh. Flying cheeseburgers. Terrible.

*4 minutes until imminent doom.*

I really need to get more sleep. kthxbai

boonga boonga