Monday, October 7, 2013

Behind the Scenes

I thought it'd be a fun idea to take you through the process of how these blog posts are made. Then I wrote it out and found that it wasn't that fun. But it'd be kind of a waste not to show you so...this is it. (the grandmapocalypse)

First, this sort of inkling of an idea stirs in the bowels of my brain. It usually has to do with whatever disgusting thing I just did. I open up notepad and spew all the grimey crap out onto the screen in this big file where I keep all the old blog post ideas. I do this because I may or may not actually want to post the idea now and this kind of thing doesn't require those fancy schmancy graphics and formatting cowcrap that a 'full' word processor provides. "But why not? Why canst I BEHOLD THY GRAPHICS?" Fine, I'm taking a screenshot of what I currently have typed up, here you go:

(this feels kind of weird)

And then I just copy paste it all into the post thing. Well, that ended fast.

I'm pretty sure that this blog has no female readers so I can be as mysoginist(spelling is for womyn) as I want. Man(lololol), that word kinda sounds like a type of asian soup. I think I'll go to the asian store to get some of that...chauvinist soup, be a souperman.

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