Monday, December 3, 2018

Dumblr: Day of Defeat

Hey, remember when I said Tumblr wasn't so bad? Yeah, that was a lie, I've been silently biding my time, waiting for this day to come, the day when that shit heap of a site finally self-destructs by alienating their own user base. For those of you who are out of the loop, Dumblr CEO "my name jeff" D'Onofrio (no relation to the actor Vincent D'Onofrio, I think) has decreed that on December 17th they will remove all the pron. That's right, all of it. Except for male nipples, because unlike female nipples they aren't "adult content". Yeah. Folks have already started crying about that, and you know what I would do in response to that, if I were Jeff? I would have banned male nipples too, just to be fair. ProZD sums it up pretty well in this video:
In all seriousness though male nipples is hardly the only issue dumblrites have with this ban, there's also some stuff about being able to express your sexuality and....the livelihood of internet sex workers? There's probably a lot of division over the latter I'd bet.

Perhaps you need a little context here: Tumblr's never done anything to me, I don't have a personal beef with it, just a professional one, mainly with their stupid CSS and site formatting. They force everyone's content into this tiny narrow column that doesn't stretch to fill my full screen window on PC, in addition to putting some extreme restrictions on image size and resolution, so anytime someone posts animated content it has to be split up into this whole sticker sheet full of 2 second GIFs in eye-blistering 140p quality. It's just a pain in the ass to read.

I also harbor some personal resentment towards their user base though, some of which are real special snowflakes about who or what they identify as*. Just don't even get me started on how they all put captions for their posts in the tag section, so that all the text has no spaces and is split up in weird places by goddamn hashtags. My one request for them is that if you say you're quitting, you better actually quit, which I know is going to be hard especially for those whose "genetics" prevent them from putting the fork down.

I don't think any of these effects will be absolute: There will be a few porn bots left that Tumblr's algorithms miss, and there will likely still be a sizable population using the site after this has all blown over, it's not going to die out completely. Realistically speaking I predict they'll only lose half of their community...
Overall though I'm getting a lot of schadenfreude from seeing them having a huge falling out on both sides: The snowflakes are getting butthurt and Dumblr is going to take a huge loss in traffic and revenue. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

Anyway, sorry for making you read this ramble instead of the next Retired Heroes chapter, that's probably coming out sometime this week. This is a little like when the WarOwl posted a video about the Diablo Immortal flop, even though he doesn't even play anything in the genre.

*I'm fully prepared to get into an argument over my opinions on LGBTQ+, SJWs, Otherkin, "headmates" and that kind of stuff, but chances are if you are even reading this blog in the first place you're probably cool in my book and not the kind of person I'm hating on. I'm a fairly tolerant person.


  1. I'm commenting on the blog aggregator Tumblr's recent decision to ban all adult content(aka porn) from their site after being removed from Apple's iTunes store. You can read a more coherent article on the subject here:

  2. uhm, so when the update coming ...

    1. One of the Nekyou side of the team has been occupied with exams and such. We're looking at Saturday for a release.
