Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Goat&CatScans: Retired Heroes Chapter 30

Hey hey people, it's the big 3-0.
I quit.  ...I know she prolly couldn't do it but I ain't gonna fuck around and see if she could.
Things are continuing at a snail's pace...The Nekyou side is critically understaffed and the catman is off doing who knows what. As for me, I had to spend my evening fixing a huge flooded mess that started with a leaky bathroom faucet and escalated into having to detach the entire sink from the wall and reattach it. Multiple times.

But enough of my crappy life story, let's move on to the good news! I've included a special bonus fanart of everyone's favorite Saliy at the end of this chapter, courtesy of fledgling artist known only as "dragonlawd"! I'd meant to do so in the previous chapter but forgot about it. Here's the full version of it if you're interested:
original the content, donut steel! (4srs this time)
Chapter 30:

Some idiot in the projects:


  1. You guys are the best! You're behind the raws and updates are slow but YOU'RE THE BEST AND DON'T EVER BELIEVE DIFFERENT

  2. Replies
    1. Not yet. Had a couple months of hiatus but 31 is nearly ready.
