You may be wondering why I didn't post yesterday despite it being April already. That's because yesterday was April Fool's Day, and I know that you would all have expected some gigantic super special awesome hilarious joke if I posted that day. The pressure was simply too much for me to handle. That and the fact that this whole blog is just one big joke.
April 2nd also happens to be the day that I made the very first post on this blog, exactly 1 year ago in 2013. "Time flies", right? Wrong, every single day I went through since then has seemed like a grueling eternity of drudgery and torment. And it will be the same for next year too. Anyway, I will be celebrating the 1 year anniversary by giving you ever so slightly more insight into my creative process.
You may be wondering what kind of extraordinary man it takes to create such a great blog like this. I can tell you that it took years of training, typing lessons, pun dueling, and other contests of wit just to get to this level of stupidity. While I cannot show you what I look like during the creative process, I can give you a glimpse of another Master at work:
Watch as he deftly carves pointlessness from a block of literary cheesecake that would in any other case be very funny. His haphazard, pluripotent style is so moving, it drives me almost to tears.
There was a big white poster board stand outside today, where people were asked to write in a term to fill in the blank in the statement "I am _____ and proud". I suppose they were trying to promote animal marriage rights or something but that statement is just too vague. There are lots of things you can do and be proud of that I doubt they would endorse. I mean you can basically write stuff like:
"I am chauvinist and proud."
"I am a murderer and proud."
"I am a rapist and proud."
"I am pedophile and proud."
"I am a coffee drinker and proud."
"I am Belieber and proud."
-- not me
Or maybe they would endorse it. Let's go find out.
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