Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Goat&CatScans: Retired Heroes Chapter 27

Long time no see, fellow kids. It's been a busy... eight weeks? Shiieeeeet.

My boyz in the translation department have finally gotten off their asses from more "important" things like "proposal defense"(whatever that means) and "moving to another country"(>not even japan) to deliver the goods. And are these goods....good? Well as I like to say: the proof of this is left as an exercise for the reader. 

As for me, I've sold my soul and become a corporate wage-slave. I would have written this from my cellcubicle but it seems blogspot is banned.

But fear not, dear sycophants, for I have no intention of dropping this series. We'll catch up with the current release yet, "Whatever it takes" --everybody, ketchup endgame

The Next Episode, ft. Snoop Dogg aka Black Wheel:
Drop it like it's hot:

Personally I've really enjoyed this chapter and the previous one as they've done a lot to flesh out this wonderful world that our favorite Retired Heroes live in. Magic item creation, the power of chaos control, and of course, the pokeymans.

Bonus BTS* segment: That "social status" ribbon? I rotated it 90 degrees, it's actually vertical in the original.

*behind the scenes, not the kpop group. don't hurt me bts army :(


  1. thanks. Still watting. Is this cancelled at 36th. Or unknown hiatus

  2. Thank you so much! And good luck catching up!

  3. Thank you so much for the chapters! Congratulations on the new job (don't work too hard), and congratulations to the translator for their thesis proposal
