Sunday, July 16, 2017

sunlight in motion

It's around 10 o'clock in the morning, and all's well. I've been watching the night slowly turn to day for the past four hours in the comfort of my bed. This is primarily due to a bout of insomnia preventing me from sleeping in on the weekend.I've already finished reading all of the books I got, and backed up my files on ye olde external drive, so I once again return to the sustaining solace of the internet.

Let's talk about cringy children's book authors. Is it just me, or does Rick Riordan look a lot like DJ MacHale? It could be the pose, their similar professions, or maybe I'm not as good at telling white folks apart as I thought I was.
Here's a side by side comparison, so you can decide for yourself:

Uncanny, isn't it? But then you have this magnificent bastard:
This man is my hero.
Holy crap I just slacked off for half an hour from finishing this post. Let me just leave you with something nice for the road, before the hour changes and I must depart to greener shores.

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