Thursday, November 2, 2017


This is the best....PUNCHING ANGLE!!!
 "Yes, let me retrieve my personal communication unit so that I may capture a digital photograph featuring the two of us. I understand this is an activity humans in developed regions often perform to help assuage their feelings of existential terror." --me

I'm sure you've all heard the advice "Look both ways before crossing the street", or something along those lines, right?
As a student of Gayme Theory I overanalyzed this phrase as a decision tree yesterday afternoon as I am wont to do, and jumped to a bizarre conclusion.
Node 1: You, the pedestrian, stand at the precipice of a wide road frequented by automobiles. Following the advice handed down to you by your elders, you look left and right down the road.
  • If there are no cars, you begin to cross.
  • If there are cars, you don't cross, and wait for a while before repeating Node 1.
Node 2: You are now crossing the street. Is it not reasonable that the advice still applies from before? Indeed it does, and you still look left and right out of precaution.
  • If there are no cars, you may continue to cross as normal.
  • But if there are cars....
...what are you going to do?
Stopping and waiting like Node 1 suggests certainly isn't an option. 
No, there's only one thing to do. You have to burn the rope.
You have to dodge the cars.

"But my parents never taught me how to dodge speeding cars!"

Yes, and I'm starting to realize this is a major deficiency of today's parenting and educational system. To rectify this, I put forth what I consider...a modest proposal:

The wide-scale construction of large fenced off parking lots or wide stretches of pavement and designating them as "public automobile etiquette training" areas, or re-purposing existing unused lots to serve as such. 

This would be a great resource for new and returning drivers to practice driving in a controlled environment- but more importantly, it provides the perfect proving ground for new and returning pedestrians to test their car-dodging skills.
Different 'arenas' could be simulated by the strategic placement of Jersey walls, starting with a suburban cul-de-sac for the uninitiated and those lacking confidence all the way up to the single lane winding forest trail where escaping over the side is prohibited. 

And of course you have the 6 lane "interstate highway", a flexible training area that can scale with the dodger's skill by increasing traffic flow. 

Veteran car dodgers can demonstrate tried and true maneuvers such as the tumble, the sideswipe, the oopsie-doodle, as well as more advanced techniques like Running Up the Windshield, the Pole Vault Combo, the Iron Man Catch, and the Hole in One.

Vehicles will have customizable attachments like bumper extenders that may increase or decrease possible surface area to affect their chances of a direct hit, or other fun additions like wheel spikes, a throwback to the chariots of old.

All these measures will serve as ample preparation for when pedestrians have to cross these roads "for real", as they say on the street.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The food post

I got this picture from amazon, but please don't buy things from them YOU GOTTA STOP THEY'RE STEALING OUR FLUIDS WAKE UP SHEEPLE
 "I'm not a weeb or nuthin'....I just like quality" --the battle pigeon

This morning I was under some kind of dry spell, as in my half-awake stupor I shuffled into the kitchen, opened the fridge and started guzzling ginger ale right from the bottle.
I downed some sparkling water from the bottle too. Might have emptied both.
Is this what it's like to be an alcoholic?

I'm one of those rare folks that don't actually like coffee, and so I suppose soda or something fizzy would be my go-to drink for waking up.

For the past two days I have had the distinct pleasure of eating the dish called the Mi-gou Rang (or Mi Go-reng for the culturally inclined). Mi-gou Rang is essentially instant noodles, but with a bunch of extras to make it seem more high class. It's a step up from ramen, so you can feel like you're a step up from poverty! Hooray!
Seriously though, it comes with like 5(count 'em, five) different sauce and seasoning packets for just one block of noodles. You get:
  • Spicy sriracha 
  • Sweet-ish soy
  • Weird grease
  • Suspicious Powder
  • Fried onion bits
  • by your powers combined, I am captain ramen seasoning
What's more, you have to mix them together in a separate bowl beforehand. A separate bowl! And after the noodles have been cooked, you then have to lay them out on a plate to dry for a minute.
So not only does this stuff not come in a cup, they expect you to have a pot, a bowl and a plate. That's a whole three items of cookware! I guess they really want to cement this as the ramen for the slightly-better-off.
Anyway, I'm used to just dumping the seasoning right into the pot to make soup, but I think if I tried that here with the Mi-gou Rang there would literally be not enough of it to give the dish any sort of flavor.

....Oh, you were expecting a conclusion? Well, it's definitely better than the regular kind.

Noodles! --your glorious administrator, Coriasis (throwback to my very first post, ayy)

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

give that meat a good ol rub

 "We continue to be on the cusp of something happening" --friend who totally gets it

Here at One Winged Baphomet we're constantly pushing boundaries, like the boundary between being a normal person and a filthy screaming animal. 

Unfortunately the boundary we're pushing today isn't that interesting. I've noticed that 2017 has now overtaken 2014 in the running for most blog posts in a year. 

In other news, it's Day 16 of the infestation. All quiet on the monitor front at the moment.
The frequency of enemy contacts has dwindled since last week. I'd like to attribute it to my diligent, precise finger strikes, but it's more likely that they simply expired naturally, due to the generally short life span of the common housefly's adult form.

Apparently this GroupMe app has been out for 7 years already, and I've been living under a digital rock the whole time. It's a clean, efficient method of cross platform group texts.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017


 "I am 10 times more hairy than every guy I've dated LOL" --tumblr user

I was walking along a hallway today as normal, when suddenly I felt the urge to sneeze. I raised my arm up to cover the lower half of my face, as is only proper. But then I passed a few people- and suddenly the urge subsided without a trace. I'm usually a chain sneezer, but this time I didn't sneeze even once.

What could be the cause behind this unusual occurrence? Naturally my first thoughts point towards occult means. Could one of the people I passed have extended a sorcerous probe into my head and remotely snuffed out my urge to sneeze? Perhaps it was all of them, casting some unspoken ritual. How considerate of them.

Now I'm really thinking. By logical extension, would the reverse also be possible? Could you just sort of...reach into someone and give them the urge to sneeze? The ramifications are terrifying, biological warfare will never be the same.

Arrgh the flies are back

Saturday, September 23, 2017

emo banana time

my room is infested with insects.

first there was the cricket, that hopped through the kitchen, then the bedroom floor. it's reedy mating cry has inspired many a bout of insomnia.

then there are the flies. in the dark of night they flock to my computer screen and throw off my concentration. with a steady thumb i splat one after the other, cleaning my hand and monitor after every kill, but there seems to be no end to their number.

when will this torment end?

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Rekt by ogredraft

 "In the middle of September/We'd still play out in the pain" --Nickelback

Ready for a good old fashioned LIFE PRO TIP? Me neither. Thus begins another lame crappy post about mundane happenstances.

For the kiddies who don't know, overdraft is a general term for when you try to withdraw or pay out more money than your bank account has. The bank will pay out the money anyway and give you a negative balance.

For corporations, this is a useful tactic that is done deliberately for investments and to jump-start ventures. 

For individuals, this is a terrible and costly mistake. 

You can probably guess which category I fall into.

I ordered something online a couple weeks ago, but le merchant was out of stock and so it was placed on backorder. I didn't realize that my account hadn't been charged (I assumed it was like a pre-order type thing) and proceeded to make additional purchases until my account was very nearly empty. As an ostensibly financially literate adult, I only keep as much as I need right at the moment in checking accounts and the rest in higher ROI securities, so this account stayed empty for the duration. Then just yesterday, the order went through and my body was not ready for the rustling that ensued:
My bank actually offers a free overdraft protection service, but I didn't sign up for it because I thought I was so smart. Welp.
I took a trip down memory lane to visit my old blog on WordPress, which only has like 5 posts so don't bother trying to find it. The content is kind of cringy but the format was actually cool, I really shouldn't have abandoned it. And so I'll be readopting this format for future posts. Look forward to it!

Until then, I'll continue wallowing in a pit of despair and self-loathing brought about by poor decision-making, and you can continue going about your own (likely more pleasant) mode of existence.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017


Let's take a trip back in time, back to when I was a wee little... being. First, imagine the chirping of crickets, and the occasional bird call. It was a hot summer day, much as it is now, and I had taken refuge from the heat in the cool interior of a library that is no longer standing.

Back then the shelves towered over my larval form, and I suspect my supervision units had left me to my own devices for a time.

My wanderings took me to a section I had never seen before. Curious, I knelt down and perused the titles on the bottom tiers. Most of them seemed to be serious, adult nonfiction, unappealing to my developing literary palate. 

Then I saw one with a strange title, one that seemed too silly to be among these serious, adult books. I pulled it out, and was greeted by a stark white book jacket, upon which the title was emblazoned in large black Times New Roman characters:
Yes, it was that timeless childhood tale that we all know and love. Although I'm not sure why the jacket cover didn't look like what it should have been. Nevertheless, I was undaunted by the cover and opened the book. As I beheld the fascinating illustrations within I was drawn into a strange, ethereal experience that defies description and memory.

Pagoo is a story encompassing the life and times of a hermit crab, from his infancy as a tiny speck swirling amidst schools of plankton to the acquisition of his first shell and beyond. Despite having not read it for many years, some of its scenes remain as vivid echoes in my mind. It was perhaps my first foray into the world of xenofiction; narratives written from a nonhuman point of view. 

Well, this was the most profound-sounding post I've ever made on this farce of a blog. Too bad I'm all out of profoundness for the day. Ta ta.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Arr Nein Kay

"Pinnochio is just a taste of his ability!" --pink haired lover boy

Have you ever had that feeling that there's something stuck in between your teeth yet no matter how hard you pick, you can't quite get it out?

firecracker hexagen

I've had this feeling for almost two days now, and at this point I'm thinking the inner edge of my tooth just got eroded for some reason. I can feel the irregularity with my tongue, but not with my teeth, and I can't see anything when I look in the mirror and shine a light down the old orifice. I must have gone through a few feet of dental floss and a millimeter of fingernail by now trying to get some relief, but the only real result I've had is making my gums bleed a little.

Ain't that a bitch?
That's heavy man.
Maybe it's always been like that, and I never really felt up the backside of my teeth that thoroughly with my tongue before.

Maybe it's just a plaque buildup from not brushing the backside.

Or Maybe it's Maybelline.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

weylcome to weybtoon

A couple days ago (because I always take a few days to get around to writing this up) I had a dream in which I had traveled to this Egypt-like place with my dad and some other guys. This was probably not influenced by anything, especially not a particular work of fiction. It's useless to try and guess. Useless, useless, useless.

It was night time in a vast desert with various shiny buildings sparsely scattered around. We chose to go to this big, plain stone pyramid. There was a big square opening in the center, and we all walked in. It was unlit, there was something large writhing in the darkness, and I got an immense feeling of foreboding. I recalled my horror movie dream policy of "start running before bad things even happen" and immediately high tailed it out of there before people even started dying. I ran out into the desert and as usual my running was horrifically slow, as if I was exhausted. I'm surmising this is because I'm actually trying to run in my sleep and the bed is impeding my limbs.

Suddenly it was daytime, and all the townsfolk started panicking because a sandstorm was approaching on the horizon. I saw that huge cloud of dust with a scary face like on the cover of The Mummy movie, no not that one, I mean the 1999 version with Brendan Fraser (praised be his name).
I huddled in this small alcove in an alleyway, but its protection proved to be insufficient. The first wave of the storm hit, because this storm comes in waves. The experience was akin to being hit with Boomer bile in Left 4 Dead, except it was sand and my outer layers were being ground off. The wave passed, giving me a brief respite, but I knew I wasn't likely to survive the second wave, completely exposed as I was. Lord knows what the fifth wave would have done. Probably turn me into some lovesick little girl.

I decided to take shelter in this building that was like a fusion of a pharmacy and a government DMV type facility. The situation escalated when some rough looking folks came in looking for me, and I had to slip out again.

My recollection of what transpired after that is fuzzy but at some point I was walking around a Korean harbor at sunset looking for fountains and other perverted stuff.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

RIP Mall

I don't usually make spelling mistakes, at least not ones that I don't notice and correct immediately. Today I was typing quadruped into the search engine but spelled it "quadraped" instead and only noticed after hitting enter. Talk about Freudian slips. It just sounds so extreme though if you think about it: QUAD RAPED! Like four rapes in a row, or rape with an ATV.

Oh yeah, I forgot to warn you guys: this blog post mentions rape.

Earlier I was at the mall, seeing how much more fashionable everyone else was compared to me. Clad in a blue collared t-shirt and khaki shorts, I realized I was the spitting image of a Best Buy employee. If there was a Best Buy nearby I'd probably get kicked out because they'd think I was trying that Geek Squad impersonation prank a bunch of people tried a couple years back. 

Oh, it was actually more than a decade ago, so chances are you don't know what I'm referring to. This'll get you up to speed:

I thought my worries were unfounded, as this mall didn't have enough space for a Best Buy store. But then I turned a corner and lo and behold, there was a Best Buy Mobile!

While I was there I also noticed that the Chick-fil-a had been replaced by a House of Kabob. Not sure when that happened, but its almost like a direct cultural swap occurred. Gonna have to get those waffle fries elsewhere now.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

sunlight in motion

It's around 10 o'clock in the morning, and all's well. I've been watching the night slowly turn to day for the past four hours in the comfort of my bed. This is primarily due to a bout of insomnia preventing me from sleeping in on the weekend.I've already finished reading all of the books I got, and backed up my files on ye olde external drive, so I once again return to the sustaining solace of the internet.

Let's talk about cringy children's book authors. Is it just me, or does Rick Riordan look a lot like DJ MacHale? It could be the pose, their similar professions, or maybe I'm not as good at telling white folks apart as I thought I was.
Here's a side by side comparison, so you can decide for yourself:

Uncanny, isn't it? But then you have this magnificent bastard:
This man is my hero.
Holy crap I just slacked off for half an hour from finishing this post. Let me just leave you with something nice for the road, before the hour changes and I must depart to greener shores.

Friday, June 30, 2017

Bring out the gimp

Tragic irony has vindicated my previous post. Last night I somehow twisted my leg at a weird angle while sleeping, delivering an unending holocaust of pain. Well not really, I just needed to make a Lyttle Lytton reference. It did hurt like hell for the first minute or so, and then settled down to a dull ache, which persists to this moment.

Naturally the first thing I did was check for bleeding or bruising (a sign of internal bleeding for the anatomically impaired) but there doesn't appear to be any.

In other "news", there's going to be a sequel to that movie about a weird ass board gayme, except in lieu of the now departed Williams the star power is the Rock. This would be fine, if they didn't try to shoehorn in some stupid video game tropes. This is an international travesty.


Monday, June 26, 2017

Chicken noodle soup for the beard

In recent times it seems that it takes some sort of bodily ailment to get me to do one of these posts. Fortunately no such affliction plagues me at this time, if you discount some normal sleepiness and a recurring ache I get from flexing my right middle finger to scroll the mouse wheel. I hypothesize the latter may be due to a puncture wound from several weeks ago, but that was positively tiny and should have healed by now. I certainly don't feel the same pain in my index finger, which suffered the same injury. 


A couple days ago I dreamed that I had convinced Donald Trump to adopt me as his son, and was now set up to live the rest of my life in opulence and luxury. It was pretty cool, going into conference rooms and feeling all high class. But then the world turned into Minecraft and I  kept falling into these crummy dirt caves in the hills, which is pretty similar to what happens when I actually played Mein kraft.

My shorts are too short and my shirt is too long. Both are a pallid white, quite fitting for a "laundry day" outfit.

Let's discuss juice drink pouches. No, not juice boxes, but the squishy kind. These silvery beverage containers were first used (or at least codified in the public mindset) by Capri-Sun, and now also by Kool-Aid in their "Jammers" line. Oh yeah. They even use the same pointy yellow straws. Which brings us to the main topic: you ever notice how it's easier to take the straw out by pushing it down through the bottom of its wrapper, despite the fact that the pointy end is on top? After sacrificing half a box's worth of straws in my quest for truth I've found that this holds true even when it's upside down, ruling gravity out as a factor. So what's the cause behind this phenomenon?
It's all in the leverage. You see, the bottom half of the straw's wrapper is attached to its pouch via a weak chemical adhesive(aka glue) while the top half can move freely. This holds it in place so that when you push the straw down it'll punch through the wrapper's bottom and exit in one smooth motion. Contrast that to the "normie" method where you pull down the top so the pointy end pierces through and you have to pull the whole thing out.

I'm going through a sort of creative drought these days, it took me a week to accumulate all of this.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Mundane made awesome

Ah, Youtube "Recommended" videos. You try so hard to discern my tastes with deep learning algorithms but in reality, like most people, I'll watch just about any drivel that's presented before me:

Did you too feel a mingled sense of simultaneous boredom and suspense? You might need to have viewed Christopher Dolan's feelm in order to fully appreciate such a juxtaposition.

In other news, I've recently experienced one of the best memetic joke setups in recent years. It's been supplying me with chuckles for days.
Friend: How many chaos you got?
Me: Preem chuckled. "You mean the Chaos Emeralds?"
Friend: u stole obummer's line
Explaining the joke kind of takes away the punch, but if you don't get it you probably aren't laughing anyway, so here's a little context: I've been on-and-off playing Path of Exile, one of those single player games where you have to be connected to the Internet and see other people's chat messages. One of the main currencies used in the player based economy is the chaos orb, but my friend neglected to clarify that, and I love to harp on little details like that (which is part of what makes me such a great conversational partner). 

The Obama quote is self explanatory, as a matter of course.

Sunday, April 30, 2017


Imagine, if you will, a video game in which you play as an orphaned hero whose whole hometown was burned down by a dastardly villain. After years of combat training under a wise old hermit, he returns to society to join a secret resistance movement of freedom fighters to help them overthrow the evil empire that is trying to take over the world. 

Sounds exciting, doesn't it? Well you need not imagine, dear reader, for this amazing video game is real, and I have played it.

I am speaking, of course, of Assassin's Creed III.

"That is not what you expected the guy to sound like" --, Mess Effect

Here, I'll give you a nice unrelated picture to space things out in case you need time to recover from the epiphany I just gave you and gather up the bits of your blown mind:

Ay fam, you good? Aight, I'mma letchu finish.

In fact, one could easily point to the American Revolution as the main reason that these tropes have become such worn out cliches in the first place. So don't think of this as a stereotype, "playing it straight" or a cliche storm. Think of it as our entertainment culture coming full circle. Or something like that.

Anyway, you actually start off playing as Haytham Kenway instead. This is fine because Haytham is a pretty cool dude, aside from his uncanny resemblance to Judge Claude Frollo from Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame. 

Or wait, that's not quite the beginning, I think there was something else... some generic guy running around a cave?  
i dunno lol
Meh, close enough.

As per usual there's the hours-long prologue; in this instance you're doing some suave secret agent stuff shooting fools and stabbing sods. I had already cottoned on to what the first major twist was going to be after noticing the conspicuous lack of hoodies and Charles Lee specifically yelling FOR THE ORDER!, like aren't you leaving something out there buddy, it couldn't possibly be important could it?

Stuff happens, and we transition to the main chap, Ratohnhaketon, and I think the romanization is somewhat imperfect because the Ks sound a lot like hard Gs. I'm klad though that the memory begins when he's a young child, and not as a newborn infant, because that would be really awkward and very painful to sit through, especially if you were running it on a below-spec computer which ran at four seconds per frame at the lowest settings even on the cutscenes. Haha, what a funny hypothetical situation. Childbirth. Haha why did I say that I can be so random sometimes ecks dee.

 As a small child Ratohnhaketon is still fairly helpless, possessing no weapons, armor, or clothing dye of any kind. Pressing the run button makes him skip instead. This childhood scene introduced me to the traditional Native American game of "hide and seek", an integral, unique part of their culture. Unfortunately being the clumsy paleface that I am, I had to use his superpowers to cheat my way through. 

The resulting segments of Conna's childhood will be recited in poetic meter. 
So mote it be:
Iiiin west New York he was born and raised
On the treetops was where he spent most of his days
Chillin' out hopping, droppin like a scamp
All collecting some feathers outside of the camp
When a couple o guys who were up to no good
Started making trouble in the neighborhood
He got one little threat and his mom was dead
And said, I'm moving in with some guy at the Davenport Homestead!

Not entirely accurate I suppose, but it's in the same way that this game was accurate to US history. Turnabout is Fresh play, as they say.

So I found myself running about this generous tract of land, performing mundane errands when suddenly:
I get the feeling he doesn't want me going this way.

WHOA-HO-HO there, Ahkilleez! That is one mighty long piece of wood you're working on there. Maybe we ought to let those lumberjack bros handle this instead? Oh wait, we can't because they're too busy fighting each other and when I try to stop I somehow end up just standing there uselessly for eternity.

For real though, that "break up the fight" homestead mission is a total crapshoot. The first couple times I tried to do it, the control bars didn't show up at all and I was given zero indication of what was supposed to happen. After exiting the mission and restarting multiple times I resorted to looking up guides on gaymefax and youtub, which described some bizarre dual-stick tug of war minigame. This still didn't solve the problem because the game was literally not responding to any of the proscribed button/key inputs. What eventually got it to work was the rather strange process of force-quitting the whole application in the middle of the mission and then relaunching it. This shouldn't be necessary. Ubishit needs to stop treating all their non-microtransaction projects like disposable cash cows, this gayme is turning 5 years old and there are still so many BUUUUUUUUGS.....

It's not all bugs and glitches though. There are indeed parts of the game that frustrate you entirely on purpose. Take the most recent Homestead mission I started: 
Norris the miner wants me to stand guard over him while he does some mining stuff. 
"It's not far, just outside the property," he says. Okay, so I start following him. Then the dreaded screen fade to white occurs and he has suddenly vanished into thin air.
The quest prompt tells me to "Meet Norris in the Frontier." 
The Frontier being outside the Homestead, which is already like a couple acres or more across. Kinda segregating gameplay and story a little here, but fortunately I can use fast travel to get to the entrance. He said "just outside" so it should be close by, right?
Nope! It's a kilometer and a half away in the middle of nowhere wilderness. No fast travel4u.

That's enough of the negativity, let's look on the bright side. For one, adult Connor is a serious hunk. This incarnation of the assassino outfit is rather lacking in swag, but his brawny beefcake build sort of makes up for it. Eazy-O always seemed scrawny compared to the mercenarii and armor bros, but as Connor it feels like more of an even match against the jaegers and big kilt boys. 
There are plenty of gimmicks to distract you from the plot and characterization like:
  • Naval combat
  • Lesser known European board games
  • The bow counter
  • And my favorite pastime, AIR ASSASSINATING ANIMALS
That hare put up a good fight, but my blade was superior. Yama, motha nature.

I also gave the multiplayer mode a fair spin - it's not a gimmick. It's a legit PvP game that could have had eSports potential, if Ubisuck gave a damn about competitive balance(For Dinner). Only problem is that not too many people are on the servers these days.
It's like that song goes - we all need someone to lean on.
A view askew

Pioneer X Independent confirmed
 Well, there are multiple songs that say that, but you get the idea.

Saturday, April 29, 2017


I was on my way home on the sidewalk yesterday, when suddenly I heard a strange rustling by my feet. No, it was not my jimmies like you might expect, nor was it a flying lawnmower or an amused gorilla. I looked down and there appeared to be nothing, but widening my search I saw a strangely curved brown branch just off the sidewalk.

I then realized the branch was actually a snake, lying very still besides its flickering tongue. I probably should have taken a picture or something, but it was Friday and I was very done with life so I just kept walking.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

polaris, the demon star

Aw shucks, I missed this blog's fourth annual anniversary. By six days. Could have been worse. But wow, it's really been four whole years since I started this thing, huh?  We've sure come a long way since th- Uh, never mind.

Well, nothing particularly interesting happened on that day anyway, which is April 2nd, if you're too lazy to do an archive trawl or basic mathematics.

In syntax there's the "prepositional phrase", or PP for short, which is also the term for how many of a move you have left in pokermans. Saying that out loud is a blast.

"I've been waiting for you" -- the boss baby

Thursday, March 30, 2017

March Sadness

My shoes have been squeaking way too much lately. I try to walk on carpeted and metal surfaces but sometimes there's just no avoiding those smooth tiles. Something is up with the soles, which I can't be bothered to find out. It's not raining, and they don't appear to be wet. What a puzzle. I do worry that the squeaking will aggravate nearby people, but as it turns out the person who is likely aggravated the most is me, the nearby-est person of them all. 
[Speaking of nearby people, this girl sitting nearby just farted, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA]
 But let us cease this mincing of words. I know that you and I both long for those bygone halcyon days of 2013, when I would do crazy things like make 5 whole posts in a single day. I think what enabled this was that they were shorter than my average rant nowayears, and my standards were lower. Alas, perhaps we shall never see their like again in this world.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Dreams consigned to Oblivion

I thought I would post in February about this weird dream I had, but I never fleshed out the details in the draft and it's been so long that I've forgotten most of them. I wanted to leave something here at least before March ends, so instead this brief stint will be about THE ELDER SCROLLS IV: OBLIVION, which I recently started playing again. The faces are potato but the memes are terrific.
"Yes... you are the one from my dreams. Gods give me strength." --creepy old guy
I spent around three to five hours revising my character's appearance in Oblivion. Keep in mind, I wasn't creating one anew, figuring out who they were from scratch. No, I was modifying a character whose appearance I had already decided was "good enough" at some point in the past.
If you aren't familiar with it, Oblivion's infamous facial feature controls consist of a large array of sliders, many of which are connected to each other in arcane ways that are not immediately obvious. For example, moving the nose sellion width slider not only slightly affects the other physical aspect of the nose, but strongly determines how close together the eyes are. Add to that the fact that there's no button or feature to undo your most recent changes, and you get a fragile system where every time you go in to change things there is a high possibility that you'll end up looking even worse than before.

You may be asking, Why go through with this hassle? Why not just go to a modding website and download one of those premade faces instead?
For one, they're mostly weeb anime trash. Secondly, I value my character's "uniqueness". That's right, out of all the premades and save files out there, none of them will quite have the exact specifications of a face I, or anyone else creates themselves. Gotta be a special snowflake. I'm already using the Oblivion Character Ogrehaul Version 2 Mod, which greatly raises general attractiveness and reduces one's capability to create a true monstrositybeauty

I think this is somewhat related to the current buzz about Ass Erect: Androgynous? Maybe, I dunno what to say about that. Anyways, here's a screenshot of the aforementioned character:
I actually didn't realize my horse was in the shot. It just adds to the cinematic feel, doesn't it?
See anything wrong with this face? If you do, please keep it to yourself because I'd like to actually play the game rather than worry about my character conforming to societal standards of beauty. Also, that's a Spelldrinker Amulet currently equipped, it gives a great practical benefit of 20 points spell absorption and is totally not there just because it looks prettier than the five other necklaces in my inventory.

Please believe me.

Monday, January 23, 2017


Let us ring in the first post of the new year with an in-depth discussion on questionable ethics in video games. After all, it's not every day that one is faced with such a difficult, nerve-wracking, make or break decision:
I'm glad to announce though, that this decision in particular was not one of those. I swiftly chose the option on the right without hesitation, as you can tell from the strange red shape used as the selector.

Now I can just imagine the shocked gasps of the imaginary masses, some of which may be echoing the sentiments of the character who asked this pivotal question, an anthropomorphic sword-wielding snake named Marid.
"B-b-but animu [sic] IS real! Please, say it ain't so!"

Oh, sweet child of summer, a phrase oft-quoted in popular culture from J.R.R. Tolkien's much beloved classic fantasy novel, A Crown of Swords. Or was it Crown of Horns?
In any case, it is a hard and fast truth of the world that all of your precious chinese cartoons, even the best of them, are in fact completely staged. They are as false as the farce that is professional wrestling. But in spite of this I still enjoyed playing through the world of Overwatch, Volvo Corporation's hallmark Real Time Strategy game that's looking to hit its first/second anniversary this year.

As per usual it seems I won't be making a post on everything I said I might earlier. But the spice must flow, so there'll be something to look forward to in the months to come.