Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Going as a hipster for National Cosplay Day would work quite well.
"What are you supposed to be?"
"You've probably never heard of it"

But the truth is, I just found out the real National Cosplay Day is in May or whatever so....
I'm rising up in the ranks of LegendLeague, attaining Silver 2 on Saturday and Silver 1 today. Maybe I can get gold by season's end. Maybe. Maybe not. Or maybe it's something completely different like an axe or a...well if you don't know where this line of thinking ends up perhaps you are better off that way. Just like you would be better off if I didn't show you this picture:

and the lord did provide ample...manservice...
I guess I'll dedicate the rest of this post to detailing a dream I had.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The slumps of midweek

*lame crappy post alert, skip over this*
errrrgh...I'm feeling really tired. National Cosplay Day is next week here in 'murica, and I dunno if I should even do it. If I am going, I'd prefer to go as a hipster character/archetype, but I'm too lazy to make/order the costume and stuff. No, I don't mean dressing like a hipster, I mean something that's not the typical BedsheetPhantom/Toiletpapermummy/Uglyedwardcullen/Victor'sHulkPredecessor and the lot of them. 

Nanowrimo is next month though, and I'm definitely gonna doo eet. I'm still not sure what to do for my novel. I have some inklings of an idea but with most of my ideas, I can't see how to implement them with my limited shut-in level of worldly knowledge.

I got the Opera web browser a few days ago and am writing this post in it right now. The editor in Opera apparently doesn't support the font I normally use, substituting in this other hard to read font that is exacerbating my lack of humor. I'm actually just doing this to increase the post count for October before month's end. I don't think I'll ever manage to match that 16 posts per month reached in April unless I do the double posts, which would go against mah principles. MAH PRINCIPLES!!! But hey, at least I'm still here and haven't abandoned this dumb thing.

yeah, this is a relatively boring post with no pretty pictures, but don't say i didn't warn you beforehand. i warned you about the tiredness bro! i told u dog!

Sunday, October 20, 2013


A few days ago I was walking down the street with some bros, trying to explain something I found interesting to one of my friends(well now you know I'm making this up, I have no friends) when this other friend just cuts in and interrupts me! How inconsiderate! The exchange went sort of like this:

Me: "...but you see, the major obstacle that's been hampering my progress in achieving ambidextrosity(this is not the right word for the concept, or even a real word for that matter) is the way that the furniture here is arraigned, like this, THIS CHAIR-"

Certain other guy: "yo man I like chairs and I'mma let you finish but hey first friend, do you think you can do this random thing, at this date and time?"

first friend: "uh I think so"

He then turns to me in a poor imitation of Samantha M. Jackson, saying "Oh I'm sorry, did I break your concentration?" while putting his hand on my shoulder.
I ain't even mad though. It wasn't really that important for others to know anyway.
Protip: Whenever I drink tomato or vegetable juice, it always leaves red stains and small amounts of goop on the inside of the cup. I feel too lazy to wash the cup, so what I do instead is pour milk into it until it's full, then drink that up. The milk clears out all the stuff left behind from the juice.

Today when I was at Jeepers, I went to the bathroom while I was waiting for the food to be served. As soon as I walked through the door I almost did a double take at the handsome face staring back....in the mirror. Holy crap I am so beautiful. That smooth silky hair, that lovely complexion...yeah you wish I posted photography of myself here, too bad.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Tongue Torment

"Would you like to try the new Southwest McWrap?"
"Sure, four please. What could possibly go wrong?" --famous last words

well mcwraps are pretty good, I'll just take a bite and

I rush to the fridge to grab a full pitcher of lemonade and upend it into the maw of the inferno. My family decided to try it too, but their resolve faltered. This is the path I chose for myself though, so I will force myself to continue...just gotta tank that spiciness...*bite* AAAAAHHHGG....*bite* AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHGGGG.....I....dooo eeet....BLAUUURGHH
"I survived" --family member

Saturday, October 12, 2013


So I was trolling some eBay auctions by raising a ton of bids, but then I ACTUALLY WON. DAMMITO!! I guess I now have to pay the price for my bad habit...literally.  I was planning on getting this particular item(s) anyway, but not for at least a year.That's what iiii bought on eeebay...

I'll take witness true strength for $300 alex

Laundry Day

Well now it's that day....the day when we all stand naked over an open running washing machine sprinkling choice drops of generic blue detergent over the surviving articles of clothing from a greasy confrontation with Asian food whilst humming Magneto's theme from C-Men Steerage with the hope that no one else comes down to the laundry room at this hour. 

Erm...Everybody does do that, right? Yo Freud, back me up here!
Freud: "Sometimes a cigar....is actually marijuana."


oh yeah, remember this post with the augmented horseman/woman/thing? Well apparently he/she/it got even more riiiiiiipped with some new....UPGRADES!!!. (Raise your karmadonger rework)

Crap I think I hear someone approaching, better get dressed

Thursday, October 10, 2013

God jam it bro

Radio Commercial: "When you think of the word fun, what's the first thing that comes to mind?" Well I do these Jack Nicholson eyebrows, and-
Only the dead can know peace from this suffering
It's not that time of the week yet, but I'm in a fairly gloomy mood. Not just because it was raining heavily this morning, but because I have A FINGER JAM. Yeah, the temporary version of carpal tunnel syndrome. This is really annoying especially since the jam's on my right middle finger, which as you can imagine is used for a great many IMPORTANT things.

yeah....it's a reeeaal jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam

I'm chalking it up to playing ranked LoL with an almost broken left mouse button that I have to slam every minute or so to get it working. Obviously I gotta do that RICE thing to recover, but I hate that I can't ice one finger without making the rest of my hand cold. QQ


Monday, October 7, 2013

Behind the Scenes

I thought it'd be a fun idea to take you through the process of how these blog posts are made. Then I wrote it out and found that it wasn't that fun. But it'd be kind of a waste not to show you so...this is it. (the grandmapocalypse)

First, this sort of inkling of an idea stirs in the bowels of my brain. It usually has to do with whatever disgusting thing I just did. I open up notepad and spew all the grimey crap out onto the screen in this big file where I keep all the old blog post ideas. I do this because I may or may not actually want to post the idea now and this kind of thing doesn't require those fancy schmancy graphics and formatting cowcrap that a 'full' word processor provides. "But why not? Why canst I BEHOLD THY GRAPHICS?" Fine, I'm taking a screenshot of what I currently have typed up, here you go:

(this feels kind of weird)

And then I just copy paste it all into the post thing. Well, that ended fast.

I'm pretty sure that this blog has no female readers so I can be as mysoginist(spelling is for womyn) as I want. Man(lololol), that word kinda sounds like a type of asian soup. I think I'll go to the asian store to get some of that...chauvinist soup, be a souperman.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

I missed the bus

Only about half an hour ago, I made the astonishingly(not really) poor decision to have a late lunch. When I finally emerged from the dark halls of the forsaken eatery(TM), the bus and all of it's people were gone. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (refer to the no.com website mentioned in a previous post) (fine, be lazy, here's the link: http://nooooooooooooooo.com/)

Leaving me sitting on the....warm, dusty bench. Okay, that's not as bad as the cold hard ground but it sure felt like it to me. It is rather uncomfortable, as for some reason there is a handlebar sticking out from the rear wall into my back. Not only that, but there are all these random people walking around and having loud conversations.

It's so scary here...so many strangers....so scary......2spooky4me....I'm gonna run away now.......goobai

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Define myself

Guess who's back? None other than me, De Fine Myself! The blog on that domain is horrible though, the poor coloring and font choices make it really difficult to read. But it's over 9 years old so it's in the past, let bygones be bygones.  "this xin is a flicking nazi" --videogamemunkey

Why am I speaking of this? Well, I decided to check up on Sunny Talks Alot, and she still hasn't talked alot, or in fact more than the original post made several months ago. 
But when I checked the profile, WHOA! There was a whole nother blog there, called Defining Myself! I eagerly checked it out. You can too, if you want: http://definingmyself92.blogspot.com/ 
Oh no posts, good job. I am shaking my head and tsking in approval.

I hope you weren't expecting me to define myself, because I don't feel like it. Why don't you define yourself instead? I bet it'd make a nice entry in your mom's dictionary.

 ....I didn't mean that as an insult. Curse those Freudian slippers. Let's pass around some butt rubs to alleviate the tension.
Butt rubs: Offering life in the left cheek, death in the right.

 Oh yeah, that's Epic Mafia. Mafia is a pretty cool guy, eh kills innocents and doesn't afraid of anything. It's a pretty troll game though, you should try it. Gotta practice those skills of deception on random strangers on the internet, which you can then use on the ones you love. Because you love them.

On that topic, if you suspected I was deceiving you all along, then you were right. But that deception stops right here, right now!
No longer will I hide behind these dark panels!
No longer will you have to, Deal With It!
No longer will THE TRUTH be hidden away from those that deserve it!
Its time for........THE GLASSES!! TO COME OFF!!

Erm....I uh.... I'll uh...just be signing off now......


dammit hardison