Monday, May 27, 2013

Stress Relief

I have much to present to you today from my findings on the internet.
First, I'm not an Apple product user, but there is this game for the iPad called Icon Pop Quiz, in which there are many stylized icons using simple colors and you have to guess what they represent.

Its pretty fun to show people how much of a nerd fan you are about your favorite shows and products. The icons themselves are also amusing, some having a rather disturbing therapeutic effect on your psyche. 
Just look at this great icon they have for Barney:
I wonder what he finds you PERFECT! for...

It's like he's staring into your soul. Pretty deep, isn't it? Makes you just want to gaze at it lovingly all day.....every day.....all week......all month.....all year.....forever.......I love love me.......we are Barney's family............

Several days passed before I was rescued from the Barney cult. That episode of Intervention is considered "lost and destroyed" and will never be released to the general public.

Anyways, I also discovered Baker Cat. Baker Cat is classy yet cute. You will love Baker Cat, but not in the way that those cultists loved Barney, that was a perverse phenomenon we will not speak of again.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A pre-summer night's dream

A cool air current flows through my room. I recount these musings to you tonight because the Ragnarok 2 servers are down for maintenance and I'm not sure what else to do. 

As I have mentioned before, the spring term has come to an end and summer lies ahead. Caught in the throes of pleasure and freedom, my fellow undergrads have long since forgotten what they promised to resume beforehand. Sleeping in, having fun all day...

Bah, there's no use moping over abandoned story games, or blogs, or forums... ;_; *mope*
'Tis time to segue into a spritely saunter of song! 321GO
naa naaa naaaa
 na naaaa nanana naaaaa... (tinkle tinkle)
DING da da da dun
 dada dadadada dun dun da DING 
(dunnadada DING)bum bum bum bum bum baaaaa
bum bum bum bum bum baaaaa
da da da da daaaaaaaaa (bum bum bum bum)
da da da da  dun, da da da dun da da dada dunnnn (bum bum bum bum)
doo doo doo
daaaan dannnnn  da da da da daaaaa (bum BUM bum)
 da da dada, da da da DA DA da dada..
doo doooo, doo doooo (da na na)
doo doooo, doo doooo (da na na)
dannn DAAAA  dannn DAAAA 
bum bum ba bum bum ba badadadadaBUM!

ugh....that took longer to do than Bill and yet was shorter....
Anyways, hit read more if you want to see some boring drivel I typed up a few weeks ago. There aren't any amusing pictures so Play-Doh brand genuine Cambodian rooster dogs.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

End of term madness

I'm starting to regret not writing a more interesting introductory post or about page. Of course I could go and edit them right now but I don't feel like it. Also, I HAVE NO REGRETS, THIS WAS THE ONLY PATH...
I see people(ok just one person) post a "What to Expect" section, I want to do that and have it say "Expect the unexpected". 

D'awwwwwww, it's a totally unrelated picture to grab your attention.
I wonder how many times you've heard that phrase repeated before. Probably a lot. 
Oh man I hope you're expecting what I'm going to say next:

"Expect the unexpected"


....that was actually more lame than Bel-Air. No offense to the disabled, but it really can't stand on its own, and it definitely isn't fly.

When people go out on a limb or say something odd they usually add an "I'm not crazy" disclaimer to the end. I do not feel the need to provide you with any such thing, because it's quite obvious. The state of my sanity is as clear and apparent as the cyanide gas leaking into your room at this very moment. I hope it doesn't cause any casualties, but if it does, you'll die with the satisfaction of knowing that I was not responsible for it.
Quixotic OctoBobbleturkeys breakfasted it up disco neo-school style in House Speaker phone god's silver condo simple with self levitating fuchsia sporketballs.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Cake and truth?

I'd really like to pretend that the post before this never happened, but it did. I'm not going to ask you to forget it exists either, because we can't go denying the TRUTH. 

I spent like 15 minutes today looking for a place to sit down and type this post, because all the seats near power outlets were occupied. Of course the outlets have two ports so I could have arranged something, but no, social interaction is for nooblords
(actually it isn't)

I ate a cold cupcake last night. It had cream, colorful crunchy sprinkles, and tasted good, but it was cold. I was left wa- no, I'm not going to use that phrase. 

It left much to be desired, as I could only wonder how much better the experience would be had the cupcake been warm. I prefer warm food for a late night snack, but the cupcake was not warm at any point in time that I could possibly have eaten it. Well, if I spawn camped the bakery where it was made and snatched it right off the production line I could have eaten it hot, but I don't know how possible that would be. 

I should hire someone to be my personal baker and deliver warm pastries directly to me. They could serve those baked goods, you know, like a servant, like jesus was.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Weo Weo Weeaboos

Turtles count it off with this joke: Why did Dr. Sue rip Jimmy's head off?

She wanted to get ahead in life. 
Ba dum KCHHHHHHH (the sound of you dying)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Homeless Wars Episode 2: Revenge of the Bums

I'm not going to excuse the lack of posts in the last few days by my studying for final exams, due to the following reasons:
  • There actually has not been a lack of posts compared to the other blogs.
  • Making excuses is for noobs, and you deserve the TRUTH (unless you're a noob)
  • I haven't been studying for final exams, I've been goofing around and bumming out. 
Speaking of being a bum...

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Shoot the shot

I've made so many preparations for the great festival that will take place on this momentous day. What day would that be, you ask?

Well, it's Sunday, the day that all good Christians got to church. You should go to the Church of ProZ, and make sure you're not praying wrong you dumb homo tool.
Alright that stuff actually happens all the time(IT KEEPS HAPPENING), that's not really what's so special about this day. Let's try this again:

What day would that be, you ask?
this picture is cool and reminds me of a friend but is totally unrelated.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Lethargic slumping

Today was going to be just one of those days, where I don't have a lot of energy and just slump in my chair in front of my computer...but unlike the other days, I shall muster up the determination to post!

Alright so in the news, there was this big, hyped up movie that came out in theaters had something to do with comic book superheroes, part of a series documenting the adventures of a certain superhero group. Um...if I recall correctly there was some patriotic stuff...America?

Oh right, it was The Justice League! Yeah, Marvel's The Justice League of America, with this particular installment starring their newest member, Squirrel Girl!

What? You disagree? I'm quite sure the movie is called Squirrel Girl 4. Isn't that right, Dr. King?
No leading questions here.
Exactly. Are you going to disagree with the wise words of Martin Luther King Junior himself, you filthy slavery activist?

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Self discovery

The table I'm sitting at as I type this is right outside of the women's restroom, which is rather awkward because I am not a woman. Hey, someone just came out, I wonder what- AAAAAGGGHHH
never mind, never mind!
Some questions are better left unanswered. Or better yet, unasked.

 One day a few years ago, I was waiting for the bell at the end of PE class when one of my acquaintances was giving me some advice. This was obviously not someone who also runs a blog I've linked to. He told me that high school or the teenage years are "a time when you go on a journey to find yourself" or something like that. Basically you have to discover who you are so you can be at ease with the facts, with the TRUTH!!

Well, from reading the second post on his blog (if he had one, he doesn't) you can tell that he hasn't really found himself in all this time. Not that I have, mind you, I just find the situation somewhat ironic. 
Frankly I think the idea of 'being comfortable with yourself' is overrated. I mean, the first image that pops into my head when I think of that phrase is a morbidly obese man waddling through the streets completely naked in broad daylight, showing off to everyone just how comfortable he is with his body.
Did you really think I was going to look for a picture of that?
That reminds me of puppet dumbledore's naked time. Again. 
I'm starting to be convinced now that Potter Puppet Pals are really an allegory for the secret workings of everything in the universe.
Well, I'll just be heading off to find myself now.
But I'm right here
Let's not start this again 
If the fat man tries to show you the TRUTH, don't deny it. It's right in front of you. You must embrace it in order to achieve true enlightenment.