Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Goat&CatScans: Retired Heroes Chapter 31

It's that time of year again. The time we all show off to our horse gods.

In case you were wondering about the massive delay, here's the long and short of it:

It's late September, and Mage volunteers to translate the next chapter as he wants to put a "sword meme" in at the end. The Cat and I are pleased that we can leave everything up to him and take it easy, because that always goes well.

Flash forward to the middle of October. The script has been 'almost done' for a while, but our shining star has been busy with work and then got sick a day or two later. I don't worry about it too much assuming it'll pick up at some point when he recovers.

Radio silence ensues as both of my translators are out of commission due to various obligations and the holiday season. This goes on until a couple days ago when I finally decide it's time to call in the Cat who finishes the script and pastes it in.  

Then I find out that pages 1 and 10 have this weird pixelated area at the bottom, and my initial suspicion is that the images got corrupted when someone downloaded them. I ping Wordy who mistakenly believes that the Cat is the one who's been acquiring raws this whole time despite us specifically having a discussion where we established that the boss-man on the Nekyou side is the one providing raws. That happened a while ago so I couldn't really expect her to remember, but I'm frustrated regardless. Finally I check out the raw site and find out the corruption is absolute: the original Chinese raws are pixelated. The Cat whips up some emergency Photoshop to make those parts slightly easier on the eyes, and that's what you'll see in this release.

I'm not blaming Mage for this, as I could have made this call much earlier and let you guys know what was going on. I also feel somewhat ashamed it took the negging of another scanlator to galvanize me into action.

Nevertheless, it's pretty amazing that G&C has made it this far, we passed the 1 year anniversary of our first chapter 2 months ago. We have about 5 chapters to go and I personally don't plan on stopping til we reach the finish line. Alright, enough of that, here's the goods.

Chapter 31: http://www.mediafire.com/file/q4iigamye9hll4t/Chapter_31.zip/file

The whole shebang: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/4o5obdo2l3198/Retired_Heroes_Translation_Project