Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The food post

I got this picture from amazon, but please don't buy things from them YOU GOTTA STOP THEY'RE STEALING OUR FLUIDS WAKE UP SHEEPLE
 "I'm not a weeb or nuthin'....I just like quality" --the battle pigeon

This morning I was under some kind of dry spell, as in my half-awake stupor I shuffled into the kitchen, opened the fridge and started guzzling ginger ale right from the bottle.
I downed some sparkling water from the bottle too. Might have emptied both.
Is this what it's like to be an alcoholic?

I'm one of those rare folks that don't actually like coffee, and so I suppose soda or something fizzy would be my go-to drink for waking up.

For the past two days I have had the distinct pleasure of eating the dish called the Mi-gou Rang (or Mi Go-reng for the culturally inclined). Mi-gou Rang is essentially instant noodles, but with a bunch of extras to make it seem more high class. It's a step up from ramen, so you can feel like you're a step up from poverty! Hooray!
Seriously though, it comes with like 5(count 'em, five) different sauce and seasoning packets for just one block of noodles. You get:
  • Spicy sriracha 
  • Sweet-ish soy
  • Weird grease
  • Suspicious Powder
  • Fried onion bits
  • by your powers combined, I am captain ramen seasoning
What's more, you have to mix them together in a separate bowl beforehand. A separate bowl! And after the noodles have been cooked, you then have to lay them out on a plate to dry for a minute.
So not only does this stuff not come in a cup, they expect you to have a pot, a bowl and a plate. That's a whole three items of cookware! I guess they really want to cement this as the ramen for the slightly-better-off.
Anyway, I'm used to just dumping the seasoning right into the pot to make soup, but I think if I tried that here with the Mi-gou Rang there would literally be not enough of it to give the dish any sort of flavor.

....Oh, you were expecting a conclusion? Well, it's definitely better than the regular kind.

Noodles! --your glorious administrator, Coriasis (throwback to my very first post, ayy)

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

give that meat a good ol rub

 "We continue to be on the cusp of something happening" --friend who totally gets it

Here at One Winged Baphomet we're constantly pushing boundaries, like the boundary between being a normal person and a filthy screaming animal. 

Unfortunately the boundary we're pushing today isn't that interesting. I've noticed that 2017 has now overtaken 2014 in the running for most blog posts in a year. 

In other news, it's Day 16 of the infestation. All quiet on the monitor front at the moment.
The frequency of enemy contacts has dwindled since last week. I'd like to attribute it to my diligent, precise finger strikes, but it's more likely that they simply expired naturally, due to the generally short life span of the common housefly's adult form.

Apparently this GroupMe app has been out for 7 years already, and I've been living under a digital rock the whole time. It's a clean, efficient method of cross platform group texts.