They must think I'm about to create a giant mess or something. That's preposterous though, because I never make a mess. For now I've ducked into the "Arts and Sociology" temple, should be safe for- WAITAMINUTE. It's got stairs...but no elevators or ramps!
2/10 not wheelchair accessible
But it will suffice, as I don't need a wheelchair...yet...but if that garbage truck gets me I probably will need one, and then I won't be able appreciate all the fine arts and the fine sociology that goes on here. Well, I guess I don't do that anyway. Maybe I should start.
The thing is, I'm not actually in the fart church, I just said I was to throw off any garbage truck minions who might be reading this post. This is a public blog after all.
I've noticed that student desks gradually get smaller the higher up you get in this educational system. We started out with these big things with name tags, depressions to put writing utensils in, and a copious storage compartment underneath. Then, to make room for big hairy legs, the storage compartment went away, to be replaced by this under the seat grill apparatus that is really only used for storing feet during boring lectures. The chair became attached to the desk, reducing our freedom of movement. Finally, at this point it is just a chair with a slightly larger than average right armrest.
AND NO LEFT ARMREST. I just had to swap rooms and chairs three times to find one that did. This is what I was talking about before with the furniture not supporting ambidex- never mind I'm not spelling that word wrong again. This shrinking of the desk size symbolizes the gradual degradation of the happiness of our childhood as we discover the harshness of...uh...Peebles brand corn meal cereal. That stuff is hard on the teeth.
Crap, I think I hear the truck's beeping nearby. Gotta run.